A root canal is a procedure that works to eliminate infection and prevent an affected tooth from experiencing future microbial contamination. Our mission is no-fear dentistry; while the term ‘root canal’ can seem daunting, our doctors specialize in minimizing discomfort to ensure your procedure is seamless.
The soft tissue inside the root canal (the pulp) can become infected or inflamed due to decay or other injury to a tooth. If this inflammation or infection is left untreated, it can lead to more severe conditions such as an abscess. The infection from an abscess can travel elsewhere in the body and be life-threatening.
Your dentist will first administer local anesthetic to minimize any discomfort (contrary to popular belief, root canals don’t hurt!). You will then have a dental dam placed over your mouth to isolate the tooth that will be undergoing the procedure. Your dentist will then remove any decay and infection from the tooth and root. After these areas are thoroughly cleaned, your dentist will insert a natural latex into the root of the affected tooth.
You will visit the office for a follow-up appointment to ensure that your root canal is healing properly. Depending on the location of the affected tooth, you may need a crown. Molars, more often than not, will require a crown after a root canal. Other teeth that aren’t necessary for chewing, like incisors, don’t always require a crown.
Just the term ‘root canal’ can give many patients anxiety, but we’re here to ease those fears! There are a lot of misconceptions about the process of getting a root canal that cause many people to avoid seeing a dentist entirely. If you have questions about root canals — or how to avoid needing one — contact a member of our dental team. Your well-being is our number one priority. Call us today to schedule an appointment!
No matter if it’s been months or years, Norwood Dental wants you to join our dental family.
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