Root canal is one of the common procedures in the United States. The American Association of Endodontists estimates that over 15 million root canals are carried out each year in the country. Although considered safe and a common dental procedure, root canals require proper care and maintenance. If not properly cared for, they can progress to canal infection. The symptoms of an infected root canal are not always apparent in the early stages. For instance, slight pain or discomfort may indicate not only an infected root canal but also other dental issues. In such cases, it is important to recognize the symptoms, identify the root cause, and visit a dental clinic as soon as possible.
Read on to explore the markers of a root canal infection and when you should see a dentist for the same.
What is a Root Canal?
Teeth are compose of several layers. The outermost layer or enamel is the hardest, the inner layer or dentin is porous or sponge-like, and the centre or pulp is the softest. This pulp contains a network of nerves and blood vessels that nourish the teeth and allow them to grow. It also contains cells that keep the teeth healthy.
In some cases, due to various reasons, the pulp in the tooth may become infected or damaged. A root canal helps remove damage to the pulp and restores normal tooth function.
Can a Root Canal Get Infected?
Although rare, a root canal may also get infect. Since a root canal procedure reaches the innermost layer of the tooth, an incorrect procedure or treatment may allow bacteria to enter, leading to an infection in the canal.
A root canal procedure may result in a slight discomfort. However, if the pain, discomfort, and inflammation persist for more than a few days, it may be a sign of infection.
What are the Causes of Root Canal Infections?
A root canal infection may occur due to various reasons, such as:
- Previous tooth pain and bacterial invasion.
- A crack in the tooth root, which cannot be treated with a root canal, allows infection to seep in.
- A delay in placing a tooth crown or other permanent restoration allows bacteria to enter the gums.
- Improper cleaning or disinfection of the tooth canal due to its narrow or curved shape.
- The complex shape of the root canal can make it difficult for the dentist to identify the infected area.
- An inadequate seal or oversized filling causes the bacteria to enter the pulp again.
The Symptoms and Signs of a Root Canal Infection
After a procedure, it is important to watch out for any sign of infection. Visiting a dentist in norwood in the initial stage can help safeguard not only your oral health but overall well-being.
Some common signs and symptoms that can help you in identifying a root canal infection include:
Persistent Pain
A small amount of pain after a root canal is common. However, if the pain persists for more than three days, it may be a sign of an infection. If the pain is caused by an infection, it may radiate from the gum to the jaw and make it difficult to bite down or consume anything cold.
An abscess formation on the gums or near the affected tooth indicates an infection. When present, an abscess usually releases pus or fluid and may not always be painful. However, if you had an abscess before the root canal and it does not clear up within 7–10 days, it may be a sign of infection.
Chronic Bad Breath
Although bad breath may not always indicate a root canal infection, it may indicate an oral infection. If, however, brushing your teeth does not necessarily remove the odour, it may be because of a failed root canal.
Tooth Discoloration
One of the telltale signs of a bacterial invasion in the pulp is the darkening of the enamel. Since the bacteria keep on damaging the tissues, the colour of the tooth changes to dark or yellow-brown. This shows that the tissues within the tooth are decayed, and the canal needs to be cleaned immediately.
A fever is typically indicative of your body battling an infection. You may have a root canal infection if you have a high body temperature and mouth discomfort or swelling..
When to See a Dentist
If you experience the above-mentioned symptoms after a root canal treatment, it is vital to visit a dentist immediately. If left untreated, the infection may spread to other parts of the teeth and lead to dire complications. For instance, bacteria may continue spreading beneath the canal and erode the surrounding jawbone. Moreover, if the bone loss becomes severe due to infection, the affected tooth may need to be extract.
Root canal infection is uncommon, but care must be taken to prevent it. Maintaining oral hygiene, using an antiseptic mouthwash, and following all instructions given by the dentist are crucial for protecting the health of your root canal. However, if you experience persistent pain, fever, tooth discoloration, bad breath, or an abscess, visit a dentist as soon as possible.At Norwood Dental, we specialize in advanced root canal treatments to ensure thorough treatment and long-term relief. You can call us at (952)467-3518 or visit our website to schedule a consultation that prioritizes recovery and long-term wellness.