Norwood Dental

Most Common Dental Emergencies and Where to Go for Care

Most Common Dental Emergencies and Where to Go for Care

Most Common Dental Emergencies and Where to Go for Care

Most Common Dental Emergencies and Where to Go for Care

Most Common Dental Emergencies and Where to Go for Care

common dental emergencies

Dental emergencies can happen at any time, often causing significant pain and requiring immediate attention. These emergencies can result from long-standing infections, traumatic falls, poor oral hygiene, or biting on hard foods. Urgent dental care is essential to control pain, reduce infection, and save the tooth.

Understanding the symptoms of common dental emergencies will help you seek the proper care promptly. Keep reading to learn about the most common dental emergencies and their solutions.                

Dental Emergencies


Understanding the Most Common Dental Emergencies and Their Treatment 

  • Persistent Tooth Pain

Sharp and continuous tooth pain can occur due to deep dental decay, food lodgment, and long-term sensitivity issues. While an occasional toothache that resolves on its own typically does not need immediate help, a severe toothache associated with swelling, gum tenderness, or any kind of discharge requires urgent attention.


  • For immediate relief, try cold compressions on the area to reduce inflammation.
  • Once you consult a dentist, an X-ray can help determine the extent of the infection.
  • The tooth can be restored with dental cement or undergo root canal treatment.
  • Visit the dentist yearly twice or at the slight signs of pain or discomfort to avoid persistent pain.   

Tooth Pain                        

  • Cracked Teeth:

Traumatic injuries or biting on hard food can lead to cracks or chipping of teeth. When the front tooth chips off, it can be aesthetically unpleasant. Additionally, cracks in the tooth can harbor bacteria, leading to further infection and pain when biting.


  • When the front tooth is chipped off, it can be immediately restored at the dental office with tooth-colored restorations. 
  • Deeply fractured or broken teeth involving the underlying blood vessels and nerves require root canal treatment and a crown to restore function and esthetics.
  • Avoid habits leading to tooth fractures, such as nail biting, using teeth to open bottle corks, and biting on hard food.

Cracked Teeth                              

  • Complete Tooth Loss:

Vertical forces exerted on the tooth can cause it to come out of the socket entirely due to an accident, injury, or traumatic fall. This tooth loss is often accompanied by bleeding and injury to the lips and gums. Knowing not to panic and how to act in such situations is essential.


  • Find the lost tooth, hold it by its crown, and rinse the root surface. 
  • Do not wash vigorously, and remove the fibers from the root surface. These fibers help reattach the tooth to the socket.
  • To preserve the viability of fibers, immerse the tooth in liquids like milk or water.
  • Once you seek dental help, the dentist will clean the tooth and reposition it correctly.
  • Splinting of teeth can be done for stabilization.
  • A mouthguard is a dental appliance used for the prevention of sports injuries.
  • Dislodged Prosthesis:

Crowns and bridges are prostheses placed on root canal-treated teeth or used to fill gaps caused by missing teeth. These crowns can dislodge due to biting forces, while bridges may come out due to sticky foods. It is essential to preserve the dislodged prosthesis and seek dental care promptly. The dentist will assess the fit and make necessary adjustments or re-cement the prosthesis to restore its function.


  • Preserve the prosthesis. Do not throw away the crowns and bridges.
  • The dentist will check the fit of the prosthesis.
  • The same prosthesis can be re-cemented with minor adjustments.
  • At times, the tooth or the prosthesis fractures with the crown. In such cases, post- and core treatment will be needed before placement of the new crown.
  • Broken Braces:

Orthodontic treatment uses braces and wire attachments to correct misaligned teeth. Sometimes, braces can become loose or break due to hard or sticky food, and extended wires can irritate the cheek and gums. Such incidents reduce the success rate of the treatment and increase its duration. It is essential to address these issues promptly to ensure the treatment remains effective and progresses as planned.


  • Orthodontic wax is provided to the patient during the treatment. It is an immediate solution for extended wires that hurt the cheeks and gums.
  • Immediately visit the dentist to reattach the broken braces.
  • Avoid following the instructions and say to hard and sticky food while undergoing orthodontic treatment.
  • Opting for invisible aligners can help prevent such emergencies.                                                 
  • Halitosis:

Bad oral hygiene leads to the deposition of plaque and calculus, which can result in bad breath. Long-standing infections can cause pus drainage, further contributing to halitosis. Maintaining good oral hygiene and seeking prompt infection treatment are essential to prevent these issues.


  • Brush your teeth twice daily to maintain oral hygiene. 
  • Regular use of mouthwash and flossing is a must for a healthy mouth.
  • Adequate water consumption prevents bad breath.
  • Consult a dentist to determine any other underlying systemic causes of halitosis. 



All these common dental emergencies can be frightening and challenging. Therefore, acting quickly is crucial to preserving the tooth and preventing complications. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, visit a dentist immediately.

Visit Norwood Dental for emergency dental care and complete guidance!

For expert care and immediate assistance with common dental emergencies, visit Norwood Dental. 

Our experienced team is ready to help you through any dental crisis and ensure you receive the best treatment. Schedule your appointment today, and let us take care of your dental health with prompt and professional care. 

You can also call us now at (952)467-3518

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Most Common Dental Emergencies and Where to Go for Care