Norwood Dental

Your Infant is Teething: Know the Signs To Watch For

Your Infant is Teething: Know the Signs To Watch For

Your Infant is Teething: Know the Signs To Watch For

Your Infant is Teething: Know the Signs To Watch For

Your Infant is Teething: Know the Signs To Watch For

Maybe your baby is drooling and seems more fussy than usual – it could be a sign that your infant is teething. Of course, your little one doesn’t know what’s happening and may feel uncomfortable with an itchy chin or a sore mouth.


Predicting when your baby’s first tooth will make its grand appearance can be pretty challenging.


As a new parent, you may be caught off guard and think, “Ouch! Did my baby just bite me?” It’s tough to determine if your infant is teething, and the experience can be frustrating for both you and your little one. However, learning about the signs and symptoms of teething can help make the process smoother.


This article will cover all you need to know, including what teething is, when it usually happens, and how to recognize its signs and symptoms in your baby.


What is Infant Teething? 


Infant teething is the process of your baby’s teeth emerging from the gums. 


So, When Do Babies Start Teething? 


The onset of teething in babies can vary greatly, as their first teeth can emerge at different times. While most infants typically get their first tooth around 6 months old, the teething process may begin two or three months earlier. 

infant is teething

However, some babies’ initial teeth may appear as earlier as 3 or 4 months old, while others may only happen around or after their first birthday.


How Do You Recognize If Your Infant Is Teething: Know the Signs & Symptoms


Teething in infants can affect every baby differently, with some experiencing no symptoms while others enduring several months of discomfort and irritability. Awareness of the signs of teething can assist you in supporting your baby through this developmental phase. 


If your infant is teething: know the signs and initial symptoms that you need to watch for:




Teething in infants can trigger excessive drooling, which may seem surprising given the small size of a baby’s mouth. Typically, drooling begins around 10 weeks to 4 months and can persist until all of the baby’s teeth have emerged. 

baby drooling

To keep your little ones comfortable and clean, consider using a bib if you notice that their shirts are frequently wet. To prevent chapping, it’s a good idea to regularly wipe your baby’s chin with a gentle touch throughout the day.


Teething rash


Excessive drooling can result in chafing, redness, and rashes around the mouth, chin, neck, and chest when a baby is teething. To prevent irritation, gently patting away the drool can be helpful. 

baby teething rash

Additionally, you can create a barrier to the affected area using products like Vaseline or Aquaphor and moisturize with a gentle, unscented skin cream as needed. Nursing creams like Lansinoh can also protect your baby’s delicate skin.


Coughing and/or gag reflex

baby coughing

Babies may gag and cough if they have a constant accumulation of saliva in their mouth. However, as long as there are no other indications of a cold, flu, or allergies, there is no need to be worried.




Babies experience significant discomfort as their teeth emerge through the gums. Applying counter-pressure through chewing and biting can help them ease. 

baby biting

Teething infants tend to gnaw on anything within their reach, such as rattles, their hands, and even nipples if they are being breastfed. In such cases, the baby should be taken off the breast and offered a cold washcloth or other comforting objects. 


Crying or whining


While some infants may experience teething without any discomfort, others suffer from pain caused by inflamed and tender gum tissue. This discomfort can lead to whining or crying. 

baby crying

The initial teeth and molars, which are larger, tend to cause the most pain. However, over time, most babies become accustomed to the sensation of teething and are less distressed by it.



baby irritated

As your baby’s tooth emerges and presses on the gums, it can cause discomfort and unsettle them. This discomfort may cause irritability, sometimes lasting for a few hours, days, or weeks.


Refusing to eat


When babies feel cranky due to teething, they often seek comfort by putting objects in their mouths. However, the suction from nursing can aggravate sore gums, making the discomfort worse. 

baby refusing to eat

This is why teething infants may become fussy during feedings and feel more frustrated when neither their pain nor hunger is relieved. Additionally, babies eating solid foods may refuse to eat while teething.


Night waking

baby nightwalkling

As your baby’s teeth begin to emerge, they may experience distress that can disturb their sleep at night, even if they previously slept through the night.


Ear pulling and cheek rubbing.

Teething infants may tug at their ears or rub their cheeks or chins vigorously. The discomfort in their gums, particularly when molars are emerging, may be felt in other areas because the gums, ears, and cheeks share nerve pathways. 

baby ear pulling

However, it is essential to note that ear pulling can also be a sign of fatigue or an ear infection, so it’s crucial to identify the underlying cause.


Gum hematoma


If you notice a bluish lump under your baby’s gums, it could be a gum hematoma. It occurs when blood becomes trapped under the gums due to a tooth’s eruption. 

gum hematoma in child

However, this is typically not a cause for concern. You can alleviate the pain and promote faster healing by applying a cold compress or washcloth to the affected area. If the hematoma continues to grow, it’s advisable to consult a pediatric dentist. 


Remember that when your infant is teething, the signs can vary widely from one baby to another. Don’t worry if your baby displays some or many symptoms. Just hang in there!


Your Infant’s Teething Timeline


Your infant is teething: know the signs of the timing and sequence. Remember, each tooth’s emergence differs among children, but the following is a rough outline of the typical timeline your infant is teething:


 If Your Infant is Teething: Know the Signs Associated with the Top Teeth


  • Central incisors (front teeth): usually appear between 8 to 12 months of age.
  • Lateral incisors (teeth next to the front teeth): typically emerge between 9 to 13 months of age.
  • Canines or cuspids (pointy teeth next to the lateral incisors): usually come in between 16 to 22 months of age.
  • First molars (back teeth used for grinding): typically appear between 13 to 19 months of age.
  • Second molars (back teeth that fill in the last gaps): usually emerge between 25 to 33 months of age.


If Your Infant is Teething: Know the Signs Associated with the Bottom Teeth


  • Central incisors: typically emerge between 6 to 10 months of age.
  • Lateral incisors: usually come in between 10 to 16 months of age.
  • Canines or cuspids: typically appear between 17 to 23 months of age.
  • First molars: usually emerge between 14 to 18 months of age.
  • Second molars: usually come in between 23 to 31 months of age.


Quick Suggestions to Sooth Symptoms If Your Infant is Teething


Some babies may experience discomfort during the teething process, and since there is no one effective technique for every child, you may need to try different methods to find what works best for your little one. 


There are numerous ways to ease your teething baby’s discomfort, but two quick suggestions are:


  • Give a teething ring: Your baby massages their gums by biting on a teething ring. For additional relief, you can chill certain types of teething rings in the refrigerator. 


However, it’s essential to avoid placing a teething ring in the freezer as this can make it too hard and cold for your baby’s delicate gums. To ensure your baby’s safety, never attach a teething ring to a string tied around your baby’s neck or fastened to their clothing.


  • Massage your baby’s gums: You can gently massage your baby’s sore gums using your clean finger.


Worried Your Infant is Teething? Contact Norwood Dental for Expert Advice and Care!


Teething is a natural process that every infant goes through. Still, it’s essential to recognize the signs of teething and seek expert advice and care to ensure your child’s oral health and overall well-being. 


Norwood Dental is committed to providing excellent dental care for infants and young children, and its team of experts can help you navigate the teething process with ease. 


So, if you’re worried about your infant’s teething, don’t hesitate to contact Norwood Dental at 952-20467-3518 or email us at for the best advice and care. Your child’s beautiful smile is just a phone call away!

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Your Infant is Teething: Know the Signs To Watch For