Seeing your little one’s first gummy grin is etched in every parent’s heart. But as those tiny teeth flash, a new responsibility arises: caring for your kids’ teeth health!
Yes, even during the period that elapses between a mouthful of sensitive pink gums and the momentous occasion of receiving a first tooth.
Your child’s appearance, speech patterns, and general health may be affected early by specific diets, dental hygiene habits, and environmental circumstances.
Why Are Baby Teeth Important?
Primary teeth, also referred to baby teeth, assist your child in:
- Properly chewing food
- Assembling sounds and words to speak coherently
- Maintaining the space in the jaw needed for the emergence of permanent teeth
These are excellent reasons to ensure your child receives quality dental care before they are old enough to take care of it themselves.
If you provide your baby with proper care, you can successfully stop them from developing dental issues such as cavities, gum disease, sensitivity, and other issues.
Unfortunately, if your child’s baby teeth decay or fall out early due to gum disease:
- Your child may have trouble speaking.
- It’s conceivable that your child’s permanent teeth will erupt unevenly or crowded.
How Do I Take Care of My Baby’s Teeth and Gums?
As a parent, you already know how important it is to have a teeth care routine for your baby. Here are some of the most effective tips to keep your toddler’s mouth healthy and clean. But first, you need to understand a few points that might affect your child’s teeth health-
- It’s important to remember that a mother’s health during pregnancy and lactation is crucial to the health of her unborn child.
- Food for a mother and her child needs to be nutrient-dense and well-balanced. Furthermore, be aware that certain prescription medications may have a harmful effect on your child’s oral health. For instance, your baby’s teeth may get discolored if nursing mothers use the common antibiotic tetracycline frequently or for an extended period of time.
- Whether your kid is six months old or younger, remove bacteria from their gums after every meal by doing the following:
- Covering your finger with a moist, soft gauze bandage or placing a terry-cloth finger pad on your index finger
- Gently use the cot or gauze to massage your baby’s gums.
How to Avoid Tooth Decay in Kids Who Use Bottles?
- During naps or bedtime, watch out for your baby not to fall asleep with a bottle of milk, juice, or formula in their mouth.
- Make an appointment for your child’s first dental exam before they turn one.
- Brush between your toddler’s teeth whenever two come into contact, using gentle floss pickers, waxed floss, or interdental cleaners.
When Does the Process of Teething Begin?
Teething is a process that varies from baby to baby. Although some babies may start teething earlier, some may begin teething later or even up to a year old; the average period for teething to start is six months. During teething, your baby may drool more often than usual because their gums may swell and turn red. This can make them feel uneasy and irritable.
Try the following to ease your child’s discomfort associated with teething.
- Gently gently use a fingertip dipped in mildly moist, cold gauze to massage your infant’s gums.
- Let your baby nurse from a cold, wet cloth or a chilled, but never frozen, teething ring.
- Give a kid-friendly pain reliever.
What Is The Best Way To Determine If My Child Is Getting Enough Fluoride?
Fluoride is helpful even before your child’s teeth erupt: Tooth enamel strengthens as teeth grow. As we have already covered, brushing with fluoride toothpaste is essential, starting with the baby’s first tooth, and helps produce enamel.
Be advised that many localities add the right amount of fluoride to their water sources to encourage the growth of healthy teeth.
Furthermore, remember that your child’s excessive fluoride could result in dental fluorosis. This condition causes discoloration or regions of brown or white in the permanent tooth enamel.
Raising a child involves love, tolerance, and meticulous attention to every detail—including dental care—from birth until infancy. Nonetheless, you’ll give your baby an excellent start if you properly care for their teeth and gums!
Norwood Dental Cares for Your Child’s Teeth
At Norwood Dental, we understand that a healthy smile starts early. Children’s dentistry is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, laying the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health.
Norwood Dental’s team of experienced pediatric dentists offers compassionate, high-quality care for your little ones. We create a welcoming and fun environment to put your child at ease.
Give us a call! Our friendly team is happy to answer any questions you might have about kids’ teeth care or the services we offer. Call (952)467-3518
Let Norwood Dental be your partner in nurturing your child’s healthy smile. Schedule an appointment today!