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Why No Dairy After Dental Implants? – Get All Your Answers Today

Why No Dairy After Dental Implants? – Get All Your Answers Today

Why No Dairy After Dental Implants? – Get All Your Answers Today

Why No Dairy After Dental Implants? – Get All Your Answers Today

Why No Dairy After Dental Implants? – Get All Your Answers Today

Why No Dairy After Dental Implants

Getting dental implants as a permanent solution for your missing teeth is an increasingly popular option. One of the questions our team at Norwood Dental gets asked most after implant placement is, “Why no dairy after dental implants?” Why are products containing milk explicitly forbidden immediately after implant placement surgery?

Dental implant surgery is a highly invasive procedure. It takes some time for your oral cavity to settle down and get back to normal. While it may seem exciting that you can eat everything in sight, you need to take certain precautions right after getting the implant placed. The healing process in the aftermath of dental implant surgery is critical.

We are here to give you all the answers about “Why no dairy after dental implants?” and what you can eat instead. We will also give you some stellar recommendations on how to ensure quick recovery after getting your dental implant.

So, Why No Dairy After Dental Implants?

Why No Dairy After Dental Implant

Before we get to the matter of why you can’t consume dairy after dental implants, it is important to get a basic understanding of what dental implants are.

A Brief Overview of Dental Implants

As terrifying as they sound, dental implants are not that scary. To know why you can’t have dairy after implants, you must understand how they work.

Dental implants can replace your missing teeth and are considered to be one of the most long-term fixtures for your oral cavity. By inserting a titanium post to replace your missing tooth’s root, implants are made to fuse with your jawbone in a process termed osseointegration. Once that has happened, the dentist will place a prosthetic tooth on top of the post using an abutment.

Why Healing is So Essential

Dental implants are 90% to 95% successful, which speaks a lot about how effective this procedure is. However, the key to an implant placement’s success is its proper recovery and healing.

The healing part is where you need the implant post to fuse effectively with your jawbone. This healing process after implant placement is absolutely crucial to ensure its success. That’s why the first few days and weeks after implant placement are crucial.

While you may be more than ready to move on to the next step, allowing your oral cavity plenty of time to heal is vital to prevent any risks of infection or implant failure.

But Why Can’t You Have Dairy After Dental Implants?

Why Can't You Have Dairy After Dental Implants

After getting your implant, your dentist gives you a list of guidelines to follow regarding your diet to ensure quick healing. An explicit instruction in those guidelines is to stay away from dairy products until your gums and jawbone have healed.

But why no dairy after dental implants?

The reasons behind avoiding dairy after implants are several.

Trigger Inflammatory Response

Products that contain dairy, such as cheese and milk, are known to induce an inflammatory response in your soft tissues. A sudden inflammation can disrupt the entire healing process right from the start.

Contain Calcium & Phosphorus

While calcium and phosphorus are essential for maintaining a healthy bone structure, consuming them in high quantities right after implant placement can stimulate unwanted bone growth. This can lead to your jawbone growing around the implant in a misaligned or uneven way, making the dental implant unstable or loose.

High Risk of Infection

Unpasteurized dairy products contain a high amount of bacteria and pathogens. Because the mouth is a moist and ideal environment for bacterial growth, consuming dairy products can increase the risk of infection.

Triggers Nausea & Vomiting

Dairy products are also known to trigger vomiting and nausea. These experiences, apart from being unpleasant, can introduce stomach acid in your mouth, making your implant weak and vulnerable.

What are the Risks of Consuming Dairy After Implant Placement?

There is a solid reason why dentists recommend the “no dairy after dental implants” rule.

Consuming dairy products can cause inflammation in your gums, making them prone and vulnerable to redness, swelling, and eventual bleeding. This can make the soft gum tissue in your mouth susceptible to gum disease, damaging the soft tissues and bone around your dental implant and leading to implant failure.

Apart from the risk of gum inflammation and infection, dairy products can lead to excessive plaque buildup on your teeth.

The Best Foods to Consume After Getting a Dental Implant

The Best Foods to Consume After Getting a Dental Implant

Dental implants can enable you to enjoy all the foods you used to enjoy before losing your teeth. But this is subject to proper healing after implant placement.

Dentists recommend eating soft and easy-to-chew foods that can aid you in recovery. Some of these foods include.


After getting your implant inserted, the soup will be your best friend for the first few days. That’s because there is no need to do any chewing, and it has all the required nutrients to keep you healthy. Make sure it isn’t extremely hot when you eat, as that might risk dissolving your blood clot.

Soft Fruits & Vegetables

This one is a bit risky. You will need to make sure that you are cooking your vegetables very thoroughly to make them soft enough for consumption with an implant. You can also eat soft fruit but stay away from all fruits that are high in citrus content.


Eggs are an excellent choice for people recovering from implant surgery, as this food contains high amounts of calcium and protein. They are also easy to chew, so there’s that.


Potato is another ideal food that can give you the necessary nutrition while healing from implant surgery. You can experiment with them in different ways and adjust them according to your taste.

You can also consume:

  • Water
  • Sugar-free juices
  • Applesauce
  • Soft bread
  • Boiled pasta

Foods to Refrain From After Getting a Dental Implant

Foods to Refrain From After Getting a Dental Implant

To avoid the possibility of an implant failure, the following are foods you should avoid immediately after surgery.

Chewy food: Anything that requires extra chewing effort must be avoided. 

Dairy products: The question that started it all is, “Why no dairy products after dental implants?” So obviously, stay away from dairy products like milk, yogurt, cream, and cheese. 

Sticky food: Steer clear of sticky food that can dislodge or loosen your implant.

Crunchy food: Stay away from brittle candy or crunchy chips.

Acidic food: Avid acidic foods like citrus fruits or food with vinegar.

Spicy food: Stay far away from spicy foods as they can cause irritation on the implant site.


Missing teeth can be a pain, and dental implants are one of the best solutions to help restore function to your oral cavity. However, when you ask why you can’t consume dairy after dental implants to your dentist, follow any guidelines they recommend to ensure a quick recovery and healing process.

Avoiding dairy products after implant surgery is essential for effective healing. You can contact our team at Norwood Dental to learn everything you wish about dental implants and how to heal quickly after the procedure.


What are dental implants?

Dental implants are permanent tooth replacement options. They are inserted into your jawbone with the help of a titanium post that supports the abutment for your prosthetic tooth.

How long is the dental implant recovery period? 

Complete osseointegration and settling of dental implants can take anywhere between 5 to 7 months.

When can I eat dairy after dental implants?

It is best to avoid dairy products during the first few weeks of healing after implant surgery. You can return to your normal diet once the healing process is complete.

Can I drink milk after implant placement?

Milk and similar dairy products can cause an inflammatory response in your soft tissue, making your implant site vulnerable to swelling and infection. So dentists advise against drinking milk immediately after implant placement.

Can I drink coffee with my implants?

Yes, you can drink coffee with your implants but avoid drinking it while it’s scalding.

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Why No Dairy After Dental Implants? – Get All Your Answers Today